BONIA AW2019: Academia
Along with all things wistful, collegiate-art inspired leather collections — the crux of which is rooted in sentimentality — has found its way into the contemporary tastemakers' closets for BONIA’s Autumn and Winter season of 2019!
Giving it the perfect confluence of the nostalgia craze and a renewed penchant for dressing up; BONIA has made their fashion debut with the mundane extraordinary. Shifting away from the humdrum Ivy League logos and subverted school uniforms.

But what is it about the injection of the university experience, specifically, that makes our collection so wistful?
Perhaps it's a certain vocation to relive a four-year period where life was yet unencumbered by the responsibilities that come beyond graduation. It’s the raw and energetic preoccupation with youth culture, wherein we value the shiny, experimental, idyllic whimsy of our younger selves.

Think picturesque, grassy-quad-adjacent views of the art school experience you’d desire to have, coming to fruition through the collections. All in all, BONIA’s back-to-school season will bring with it a renewed appreciation for eccentric and experimental thinking, both within the scope of fashion and beyond…